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A mindful approach to changing your dog's behaviour.

A unique,whole household, approach to long lasting change


Break the chain that maintains undesired behaviours

I am here to help you learn how to understand and reduce their dog’s undesirable and unacceptable behaviors. I will develop and implement a plan to replace your frustration with a calm and content companion.

Jo Gaywood - Surrey Dog Behaviourist - Nutfield Mindful Dogs
Jo Gaywood - Surrey Dog Behaviourist - Nutfield Mindful Dogs

My unique approach

I use a “whole household” approach to support families with how to understand and reduce their dog’s undesirable and unacceptable behaviours.


I guide dog owners to adapt how they interact with their dogs. My aim is to change a dog’s belief that they are solely responsible for looking after the family and home.  With this burden removed, dogs can spend more time experiencing life from a calm, content, and fun place.


I am a trained dog behaviourist, and clinically qualified in children’s mental wellbeing. I work with children and their families who are experiencing anxiety and behavioural concerns.  I have incorporated my work with cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), and social learning theory (SLT) into my dog behaviour practice. I use guided self-help to empower dog owners to use a different way of communicating with their dogs. 

Areas of wisdom and expertise

Common areas of concern are often rooted in a dog’s fear and worry about how they are experiencing the world.  My area of expertise is any unhelpful emotional behaviour.  I work with dogs of all ages, including puppies. 


Examples of behavioural concerns:

  • Food related stress

  • Separation anxiety

  • Unhealthy coping behaviours

  • Obsessive behaviour

  • Excessive barking

  • Aggression

  • Demanding and challenging behaviour

Jo Gaywood - Surrey Dog Behaviourist - Nutfield Mindful Dogs
Surrey Dogs

What makes my approach successful

Things to know about why people choose to work with me

My training

I am trained in the Amichen Bonding approach (The Dog Listener). To have a truly holistic approach, I have chosen to incorporate my experience in children’s mental wellbeing into my dog work

I am a person of patience

My life's employment has been focused on taking the time to listen and look for all the factors at play; said and unsaid. 

I am realistic

I will help you set realistic goals, which we will approach in stages.  We will work towards building resilience and confidence, inside and outside of the home

Get in Touch

South Nutfield 


07976 558 215

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Testimonials from those that have worked with me

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